Home » Automated Trading System: The Trading Tale Of The Future

Automated Trading System: The Trading Tale Of The Future

Join the Future of Trading utilizing Automated Trading Machines!

Modern digital finance brings forth another paradigm – sophisticated computer algorithms that recreate the rules of the game.

Such algorithms will ultimately be placed in charge of all trades, making split-second decisions.

But, for us to move along with these cutting-edge technologies, join us for a course that encompasses the mystique and the do’s and don’ts for our trip.

Whether you’re in for fun or in it to make some money, time to get your hands on the industry of digital trading.

The adventure begins now!

Automated Trading System: Hey daddy?

Who has never wondered about getting a robot trading buddy that accomplishes any of their orders instantly and without any doubt?

Well, that’s the enchantment of automated trading systems!

They are referred to by different names in the trading system namely mechanical trading systems, algorithmic trading or just plain system trading. However, it remains a fact they all have the same purpose of making your trading rules operate normally without you.

Picture this: It is you who lays down the playing games- whether you will enter, leave, or decide on your money management.

Once these rules are locked and loaded into your computer, it becomes a trading maestro, making the moves for you.

In fact, rumor has it that a whopping 70% to 80% of shares traded on U.S. stock exchanges are the handiwork of these automated marvels.

Rest assured, emotional trading is in the past; the future is rational and logical.

Not anymore mighty “um”s or a nail-biting decision, yes!

The computer runs the rules that you set up to perform the trades at the specific instances that your rules predict will be beneficial for you.

It can be as uncomplicated as a handy moving average dance or as fantastic as a highly secret strategy shared by trading elites.

Becoming proficient in the programming language used by your trading platform is hard work. Either, you can figure out the code yourself if you consider yourself a programming genius, or you can call in the experts – which is what you should do if your platform’s language is unfamiliar to you.

But indeed, beyond this, the joys do not cease.

You are to implement these digital wizards, which is why you should have software-powered trading linked to a direct access broker.

Every program has its own exclusive language where platforms speak that tongue – for instance, TradeStation’s EasyLanguage, or NinjaTrader’s NinjaScript.

It’s like teaching your computer to speak in trading code!

The cherry on top?

The picture below showcases a real-life example of an automated strategy making three trades in one epic trading session.

Now, who said trading couldn’t be a little bit magical?

How They Roll: The Scoop on Automated Trading Systems

(i) Toolbox of Tricks: Imagine a cool trading system that uses computer smarts and follows rules set by you, the investor.

It’s like having a wizard’s toolkit with fancy indicators to help make decisions.

(ii) Next-Level Strategies: If you’re feeling adventurous, you can go big with more advanced strategies.

That means diving into the nitty-gritty of the platform and its language.

You might even team up with a tech whiz to build a system that’s tailor-made for your unique trading style.

(iii) Customization Magic: Sure, building a custom system takes time and bucks, but it’s like having a superpower.

More flexibility and a potential jackpot if you do it right.

You can even test your system on past data to see how it would’ve rocked in the good ol’ days.

(iv) Automated Takeover: Get this – some predict that 90% of trades will soon be done by these automated whiz-kids.

They are like the new kids on a block in the trading arena.

Sure, but, the job is not always rainbows and unicorns.

We should watch for these unstable systems as we do not want to be caught up in something similar to the flash crash of 2010.

Safety first!

Exploring Automated Trading Solutions: Navigating the Digital Frontier

Ever heard of trading wizards?

Some platforms have them, letting you choose cool indicators to create automatic trading rules.

For instance, you could command, “Buy when the 50-day moving average waltzes above the 200-day on a five-minute chart.”

Pure magic!

But wait, there’s more!

Some traders go superhero mode, crafting their own indicators with programmers.

It’s a bit trickier, but the flexibility is off the charts and the rewards?


Undeniably, there’s no blueprint for a successful trading approach throughout.

It makes me feel like I’m such a kid again, as I go through this treasure hunt too.

Yet, fear not!

Once your magic rules are set, the computer becomes your guardian, scanning markets and swiftly setting safety nets.

In the fast-paced trading world, this superhero move can save the day!

Two Paths To Automation: Trading Bots and Social Trading

Embarking on the journey of automated trading opens up two distinct avenues: the realm of trading bots and the dynamic landscape of copy or social trading.

The choice you make hinges on your skills, experience, and personal preferences in the trading arena.

Auto Trading Unveiled: The Algorithmic Symphony

In the world of auto trading, sophisticated software or bots take center stage, executing trades based on predefined strategies or rule-based criteria.

These coded strategies span a spectrum, encompassing mean reversion, trend, and momentum trading, and arbitrage strategies.

Imagine setting rules like trading exclusively above the 100-period moving average or limiting trades to the bustling New York session.

Investors, also known as coding maestros, can craft, rent, or purchase trading bots to delve into the realm of automated trading, with the option to access dedicated automated trading platforms.

Social Trading Dynamics: Mirroring Success in Real-Time

On the flip side, social trading unfolds as a captivating avenue where investors can not only observe but also mimic the trades of their peers or successful counterparts.

This interactive experience relies on robust technologies to ensure real-time execution, mirroring the moves of the ‘successful’ trader seamlessly.

Social trading platforms, often fully automated, grant investors the power to decide whether to blindly follow all trades or selectively execute chosen signals in their trading accounts.

The digital trading orchestra awaits!

Perks of Having Your Computer Take the Trading Wheel

Let’s dive into the awesomeness of letting your computer handle the trading hustle.

Brace yourself for the cool advantages.

Emotion Check

Ever wish you could trade without those nerve-wracking emotions getting in the way?

Well, automated systems have your back.

They keep emotions in check, making it way easier for traders to stick to the game plan.

No second-guessing or hesitation – the trade executes automatically when the rules say so.

Say goodbye to overthinking and hello to smooth trading.

Time Travel With Backtesting

Imagine it as a case in which your strategy gains profit when applied to the past but not applied to the cash which is actually yours.

Well, with backtesting, you can.

It’s like time travel for traders.

Automated systems apply trading rules to historical data, helping you figure out if your idea is a winner.

No guesswork allowed – the computer needs crystal-clear rules.

So, you can tweak and perfect your plan before diving into live trading.

It’s like having a practice run before the big game.

Discipline on Autopilot

Discipline is the key to success, but emotions can mess that up.

With automated trading, discipline stays intact even in wild markets.

No more fear-induced decision-making or chasing extra profits.

The plan is followed by the letter because the computer is on autopilot.

Plus, say goodbye to “pilot error” – no more accidental 1,000-share sales when you meant to buy 100.

Speedy Orders, No FOMO

Computers don’t procrastinate.

When trade criteria are met, orders are generated in a blink.

Being a few seconds quicker in or out of a trade can be a game-changer.

Automated systems not only enter positions but also set up protective measures lightning-fast.

No more missing out on profits or getting stopped out before you even blink – the computer’s got your back.

Multitasking Maestro

Trading multiple accounts or strategies at once?

No problem for automated systems.

Humans might struggle, but computers excel at efficiently juggling various instruments and strategies.

In milliseconds, they scan markets, generate orders, and keep an eye on trades.

It’s like having a multitasking maestro at your service.

In a nutshell, handing the reins to your computer in the trading world is like having a superhero sidekick – it makes things smoother, faster, and way more awesome!

Oopsies of Automated Trading Systems

Imagine setting up a cool robot to trade stocks for you – sounds awesome, right?

Well, it is pretty cool, but let’s spill the beans on some not-so-cool things you should know.

Tech Hiccups

So, the plan is simple – put in the rules, hit play, and let the software do its magic.

But surprise, surprise – it’s not foolproof.

Sometimes, if your internet decides to play hide and seek, your trade order might not even make it to the market.

Picture this: your awesome trade idea is stuck on a computer that’s having a moment.

Not cool, right?

Be ready for a bit of a learning ride as you navigate this high-tech rollercoaster.

Spy Mode On

It’d be amazing to just set things in motion and zoom out for the day, but nope, you need to keep an eye out.


Well, your automated system might throw a tantrum due to tech issues like lost connections or computer crashes.

Imagine your robot going rogue, placing weird orders, or making duplicates.


Keeping a watchful eye can save the day and prevent your virtual buddy from causing chaos.

Fancy Plans Gone Wrong

Okay, so not everyone’s a fan of history, but in trading, it matters.

Some traders get so into tweaking their strategies that they create plans that look like winners on paper but fail miserably in the real deal.

It’s like designing the perfect car on a computer but realizing it can’t actually drive!

This over-optimization thing happens when traders try to make a plan that’s almost too perfect, expecting it to work flawlessly in the live market. Spoiler alert: it often doesn’t.

In a nutshell, automated trading is like having a fancy robot sidekick – it’s cool, but it’s not without its quirks.

So, buckle up, keep an eye on the dashboard, and be ready for some surprises in the world of automated trading!

Dodge The Deceivers: Spotting Scams in the Trading Jungle!

As you venture into the wild world of trading systems, keep this in mind: It might sound like a wide spectrum of possibilities, but it is more likely a fraudulent scheme.

The Wild West is a jungle where wars are taking place and scams are everywhere, chasing you with promises of sky-high profits in exchange for a minor investment.

So, how do you separate the real deal from the tricksters?

Here’s your survival guide.

1. Inspect Before You Invest: Before you whip out your wallet, take a closer look.

If there’s a fee involved, scrutinize it like a detective on a mission.

Ask questions, be curious, and don’t part with your money until you’re absolutely sure.

Ignoring this step might turn your trading dreams into a financial nightmare.

2. Become a System Sherlock: Dive deep into the system’s secrets.

Research as if your life depended on it and be aware of all the crevices and the rock-bottom low that may come with it.

Those terms and conditions?

Read them like your favorite novel.

Knowledge is your shield against shady dealings.

3. Hunt for Testimonials: Don’t just take their word for it; see what others have to say.

Scour third-party sites or financial regulatory havens for honest reviews.

Testimonials are like footprints in the trading wilderness – they lead you to the truth.

4. The Trial Test: Legit systems aren’t afraid to strut their stuff.

Does the system offer a trial period?

A scammer’s worst nightmare is letting you peek behind the curtain.

Insist on a trial – it’s your golden ticket to a scam-free zone.

Remember, in the trading jungle, a cautious step can save you from the traps of deceit.

Catch the wave, query and be smart out there, show scams that you know you are not an easy plunder in all of this cash-crazy ongoing game.

Automated Trading Vs Manual Trading: Does the final compare!

The financial markets seem to be an interesting area where the titan Automated Trading and the titan Manual Trading engage in a fight.

None of them is actually the same substituting one with another. Each bone has its own privileges and weaknesses, granting traders a different palette of pros and cons.

Join us as we crack the codes, unearth the profits, and get to the heart of the risks involved in chosen processes.

Whether you dive in with a keen trading eye or are fascinated by the potential of algorithms, the purpose of this exploration is to bring an in-depth insight into all the options.

Strategy Symphony

  • Automated Trading: Enables the algorithms to take action, which happens nearly instantly and therefore generates high profits, just the way the programmed rules have specified.
  • Manual Trading: Has human factor – intuition and decision which enable timely reaction to the market.

Efficiency Expedition

  • Automated Trading: Ensures consistent and prompt market monitoring 24/7, firing right away at opportunities when needed.
  • Manual Trading: It requires the involvement of the traders in practice, making tricks almost impossible to take on by having actual market experience.

Risk Rendezvous

  • Automated Trading: Minimizes emotional decision-making, sticking to predefined rules, but susceptible to tech glitches.
  • Manual Trading: Involves emotional nuances, potentially leading to impulsive decisions, yet offers adaptability in uncertain situations.

Embark on this exploration as we delve into the distinctive realms of Automated and Manual Trading.

Discover the strategies, weigh the efficiencies, and navigate the risks that define the dichotomy in the exciting world of trading.

It’s A Wrap

Automated systems have their perks, but they’re not your trading fairy godmother.

Tech glitches happen, and these bots need a watchful eye.

Consider server-based platforms for extra safety against those pesky hiccups.

Oh, and here’s the scoop – before you dive into the world of automated wonders, make sure you’ve got some trading street smarts under your belt.

Experience is your BFF here!

Happy Trading, Superstar!

Richard Smith

I am Richard Smith from the USA. I’m an Email Marketing Specialist. I have my own blogging site blogest.org. where people will get all Paid Campaigns and Email Marketing and blogging information. I like to encourage and motivate the new youth generation who want to learn Digital Marketing.

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