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Big Data Analytics For Ideal Hiring Processes

The ideal hiring processes can be a long and time-consuming process when done wrong. It takes companies less time to hire now, thanks to job search platforms like Lensa, but it can still prove to be consequential if you don’t utilize data in your favor to make fast and accurate decisions.

The data in question is big data and its analyses which is a process where a large amount of data is collected, then examined and analyzed to find outcomes for statistical questions.

You can discover market trends that have gone under the radar previously, notice patterns, or discover insights on certain groups of markets.

The information that is garnered through big data analytics aids companies in making better business decisions and maintaining that competitive advantage every business badly needs. Competitive advantage maintains companies as market leaders and increases the value of the company and its shareholders.

The reason hiring can make or break a company isn’t simply due to manpower but because the human capital is what upholds the company’s success.

The two primary human resource investments for companies are currently artificial intelligence software to streamline processes and big data analytics. Today we will be looking into the world of big data and its analysis.

What is Big Data and Big Data Analytics?

There are five factors to data being classified as ‘big”, which are velocity, value, volume, variety, and variability. This data tends to go back until a certain to showcase various changes in trends and statistics that can be used to make business decisions.

The reason big data analytics is so important for recruitment is that it can influence the decisions companies make when hiring candidates. It is a foolproof method of hiring that can land companies the best players in the field. It is also convenient since hiring managers have always relied on data to hire, and this is simply a more complicated version of the past.

With the extra information found in big data, hiring managers can now also answer complicated questions such as how likely a candidate is to stay at the company, how eager they will be during work hours, and who will be the best fit for the role when analyzing factors such as education, experience, and past workplaces.

HR managers also have to look at skills and personal factors such as the happiness levels of candidates, which adds extra layers to this process that is easily facilitated by big data analyzing software.

Predictive analytics is the new craze since software has become smart enough to predict outcomes based on past data, but we will talk more in-depth about this later.

Big Data Analytics for Ideal Hiring Processes

Let’s take a look at what big data analytics does for companies to make it so popular.

Predictive Hiring

Predictive hiring uses one of the four subsets found in big data: predictive analytics. This is used to foretell the success of a candidate based on the workforce currently working at the company. Predictive hiring wasn’t a thing previously since traditional recruitment was mostly intuition- and screening-based by HR professionals.

Big data analytics combines algorithms and data to give recruiters recommendations for candidates they would be willing to hire, given the information about the position.

This process massively saves time for hiring for companies and decreases overall costs in turn. With how competitive the job market is, a second waste could easily be a perfect candidate gone.

Recruitment-based predictive software tends to look at candidate behavior, skills, and experience levels.

The accuracy and speed of the software help in maintaining maximal productivity and client/employee satisfaction since the hires tend to be a good fit. This positive outcome also improves employee retention.


Everyone in the recruitment world has heard of ATS or applicant tracking systems. These systems have the limitation of only being useful until the applicant is hired, yet they are a popular and greatly beneficial tool during the ideal hiring Process.

The way big data analytics helps with feedback during the recruitment process is by linking recruiters and hiring managers together even after a new hire has been taken on. This helps determine whether the new hire was a good decision and what outcomes they see statistically.

Staff Retention

As mentioned earlier, it isn’t just the hiring process that is aided but the whole recruitment cycle, which includes the efficiency and productivity of a hired employee.

Since workplaces are a team effort, HR staff can look at what additions and opportunities a new member can give to the team and how likely they are to succeed in different areas of work.

There are also ways to analyze the data to find answers to serious questions, such as why star employees leave for other companies and such.

This pinpoints what the company should be focusing on to better retain their employees. This focus can range from specialized jobs being targeted and how to retain these employees better to why the turnover rates have gotten higher.

Ideal Hiring Processes

Big data analytics is not the only way to hire the perfect people for your business. It is a tool that helps you streamline your hiring process while making it more efficient. So, what does your ideal hiring process should look like. Here is a complete guide to achieving the ideal hiring process.

1. Prepare Your Business Legally

Preparing your business properly for the ideal hiring process is as important as finding the right candidate. It includes getting an EIN or Employer Identification Number with the IRS. You also should get the state tax ID in case your state needs it. This doesn’t mean you have to have a legal team, but having one will be better.

2. Write a Clear Job Description

Creating a clear job description not only helps you attract the right candidate but also will streamline the filtering process more efficiently. With a clear job description, you will also know about the skills and qualifications you are looking for in a candidate. Consider the following things while creating the job description.

  • Your company culture.
  • Level of decision-making, influence, and anatomy involved in the role.
  • Required experience, qualifications, and skills.
  •  Growth opportunities through this role.
  • Day-to-day work in the role.
  • How the work will impact the company and other employees.

3. Consider Company Culture

When you are hiring new people, don’t just stick with the experience, skills and qualifications. In addition to all these also look for people who are suitable for your company culture. Look for people who can add value to your company. The last thing you’ll want for your company is a working machine. So, hire employees who will add value to your team.

4. Get in Front of the Right Candidate

Your precise job description and legal preparations will be nothing if you are not getting the right candidate. And in order to make sure that you’re job vacancy is reaching the right candidate you also need to be a little more focused on where you are putting the word of job availability. Whether you are choosing a job searching platform or declaring it elsewhere make sure that is also accessible by quality candidates.

5. Review Every Application

Do not start interviewing each and every candidate when you are receiving applications. Instead, start by reviewing each and every application thoroughly. In some cases, if the number of applications is huge reviewing each one manually is not possible. So, you can take the leverage of all those application reviewing tools.

6. Interview and Screen Candidates

Now, once you are done reviewing the application shortlist some candidates and take the next step of interviewing them. The interview and screening can be a multi-step process as per your requirements. here, you also need to put some extra effort into deciding on the screening process, so that you can pick the right candidate.

7. Extend the Offer When Needed

Do not settle for someone who is underqualified or you think is not suitable for the job just because you are running out of time. Remember how much effort and time you’ve put to get the right candidate, now, if you settle for less there is a high chance that you need to start another ideal hiring process a few days later because the work is not being done properly cause you’ve hired an unsuitvale candidate. Don’t hesitate to extend the offer if needed.


The main things big data offers the ideal hiring process are feedback, solid numbers, and predictions. All of these sets of information can determine the next steps a company has to take to retain their employees, maintain employee wellbeing, maintain high numbers for profits and efficiency, and predict the likelihood of success when hiring someone new.

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Richard Smith

I am Richard Smith from the USA. I’m an Email Marketing Specialist. I have my own blogging site blogest.org. where people will get all Paid Campaigns and Email Marketing and blogging information. I like to encourage and motivate the new youth generation who want to learn Digital Marketing.

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